It has been challenging and usually, successful.
When we lived in the mid-west in the 80's amd 90's I taught some homemaking classes, was published in some local newspapers and even self-published a 135+ recipe booklet sub-titled "copy-cat candies and other treats for everyday enjoyment and all occasions."
The time seems right to bring them front and center again!
And since there is no sense in "reinventing the wheel" (a saying as old as the old candy prices!) you can find them by . . .
scrolling down the right side of the blog to find my cookbook section. Scroll down to Candy and you fill find several posts, many with variations!
I really, really like chocolate as you can see. If chocolate is not your favorite morsel I will give you a few without chocolate in my next post.
The first in the candy series covers candy bars: "Almondy Joy" "Coconut Moundling" and "Krunch" and a sweetened condensed milk recipe used in making some of them. It also gives interesting now and then (1990's) prices for comparison.
Next comes Peanut Clusters, Marshmallow-Peanut Clusters and Marshmallow Cups (one of my favorite candy bars growing up in California was "Cup-O-Gold.")
Then comes fudge---in six varieties
Followed by more posts on Peanut Clusters
Peppermint and other barks
Finally, Rounding out the category with toffee, turtles, and pecan pralines
Most also give the 1990 prices!
Further down the cookbook is simply eggnog pie and flavored popcorns.
This seems like a fitting place for the next item----it's not but it could be me!
I went to the doctor for my yearly physical. The nurse starts with certain basics.
How much do you weigh? she asks. "195," I say. The nurse puts me on the scale. It turns out my weight is 250.
The nurse asks, "Your height?" "5 foot 11", I say. The nurse checks and sees that I only measure 5 foot 8.
She then takes my blood pressure and tells me it is very high.
"Of course it's high !" I scream. "When I came in here I was tall and slender! Now I'm short and fat !"
'til we eat again,
I am, Simply, Gail